ハズハ ブラニスラヴHAZUCHA Branislav大学院法学研究科・教授/グローバル発展科目I(課題解決の実践)(春ターム)担当このコースは、新たな地平を切り拓くものとなるでしょう。競争が激化する国際社会における革新的で有能なリーダーに不可欠なスキルを身につけることができるからです。挑戦を恐れず、大志を抱きましょう!研究紹介
オスピナ リカルドOSPINA Ricardo農学研究院・助教/グローバル発展科目I(課題解決の実践)(春ターム)担当I am looking forward to working with students enrolled in this program, helping them cultivate not only practical problem-solving skills but also enhancing their proficiency in effective communication.研究紹介
My skills and expertise primarily lie in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, with emphasis in the area of automatic control. My current research interests include Precision Agriculture, Agricultural Robots, Machine Vision, Remote Sensing and AI.
橋本 勝文HASHIMOTO Katsufumi大学院工学研究院・准教授/グローバル発展科目II(課題発見の基礎と実践)(夏ターム)担当I would like to enjoy and think together with you at Nitobe College about what to learn and what to acquire in our life with a sense of mission. In this program, we’ve got promising environments and methods to extend our skills and knowledge to contribute and share with our global society. Happiness is only real when shared.研究紹介
土木工学/セメント・コンクリート工学/非破壊検査工学 土木インフラ材料の物性評価およびモニタリング技術の研究開発
ボメゴウダ シッダバサーブ ゴウダBOMME GOWDA SIDDABASAVE GOWDA大学院保健科学研究院・准教授/グローバル発展科目I(課題解決の実践)(秋ターム)担当I always believe in a proverb: “Where there is will, there is way”. Be bold and confident. Always enjoy your life and act positively. Let’s rock it.研究紹介
Lipid metabolism and chemistry, Lipidomics, Analytical chemistry, and Food analysis; My current research focuses on applying state-of-art of liquid chromatography/mass My current research focuses on applying state-of-the-art liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques to study the significance of lipids in food, health, and diseases. This includes the discovery of unknown lipids via untargeted approaches and exploring the links between lipid metabolism and obesity.
スクリムシャー トラビスSCRIMSHAW Travis大学院理学研究院・助教/グローバル発展科目I(課題解決の実践)(秋ターム)担当Mathematics is a beautiful subject that can be found in all aspects of our lives. Doing research in mathematics amounts to simply working on a problem nobody has considered before, and does not even require doing a lot of computations. I look forward to working together with you in exploring the richness that can be found by asking the simple question of “What if I do this?”研究紹介
Combinatorics, representation theory, and probability theory; turning mathematics into silly diagrams.
三浦 篤志MIURA Atsushi大学院理学研究院・准教授/グローバル発展科目II(課題発見の基礎と実践)(冬ターム)担当新渡戸カレッジで何を学べるかはあなた自身の行動で決まります。新渡戸での学び、一緒に楽しみましょう!研究紹介
岩崎 晋弥IWASAKI Shinya大学院地球環境科学研究院・助教/グローバル実践科目II(チーム学習の実践)(夏ターム,火曜クラス)担当I am excited to have each of you join us as we start a new experience together. I ensure that your presence enriches our learning environment. I also expect engaging discussions and opportunities for discovery as we navigate through the lecture. I am glad to assist you as you explore and learn. Let’s share a precious experience and make the most of our time together.研究紹介
Climatology, Paleoceanography, Micropaleontology. My research interest is discovering the history of climate change over the geological time period and clarifying the mechanism of it. To do that, I investigate microfossil obtained from deep seafloor sediment.
エデルヘイム ヨハン リチャードEDELHEIM Johan Richardメディア・コミュニケーション研究院・教授/グローバル実践科目II(チーム学習の実践)(夏ターム,木曜クラス)担当When Socrates was asked why he was corrupting the minds of the young, he replied: “I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think”. Confucius said that there are three methods whereby we reach wisdom: “first by reflection, which is the noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest”. These quotes are my guiding mottos in education. I think students join classes with a wealth of knowledge, my role is not to teach more content, I rather want to help facilitate expansions of thinking and reflection.研究紹介
Behind all my research lies a deeply rooted aim to care for human and more-than-human others. My research interests are diverse, they focus on a) the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in tourism Higher Education; b) Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) connected to the climate crisis, identity, and ethnicity; c) foundational philosophies of tourism and hospitality, especially axiology; and d) domesticated companion animal-related tourism.
横田 義史YOKOTA Yoshifumi大学院経済学研究院・助教/グローバル実践科目II(チーム学習の実践)(冬ターム)担当
ホイットフィールド デールWHITFIELD Dale高等教育推進機構・特任助教/プレプログラムおよびオナーズプログラムの授業担当・開発・教育支援人生の目標を達成するためには、ほとんどの場合、決まったルートは存在しないため、避けられない迂回路に備えることが重要です。新渡戸カレッジでは、人生で直面する多くの課題に適応し、克服するためのスキルを身につけ、機会を広げ、目的地に到達するための生涯サポートネットワークを開発することができます。この旅で皆さんをお迎えできることを楽しみにしています!研究紹介
ロマーエヴァ マリーナLOMAEVA Marina高等教育推進機構・特任助教/プレプログラムおよびオナーズプログラムの授業担当・開発・教育支援自分の人生の作者、主人公であるように常に心がけてください。いつでも新しいことに挑戦して、どのような展開になっても学びになると考えれば良いです。自己ベスト以下、納得できない状況で妥協したり、自分の人格を成す価値観や信念を曲げるようなことは避けてください。研究紹介