Aug 2, 2023

Open Class of Advanced II: Problems of Organizing Events in Sapporo

Post Date: Aug 02, 2023

Nitobe College Honors Program for Graduate Students will open the final presentation of Advanced II: Problem Finding to the public, with no pre-registration required.

Nitobe College students were asked to identify issues relating to the organisation of events in Sapporo City. In this final class, students will present the results of their research projects.

In addition, we have invited as a guest speaker Dr. Izumi Hagino, a Hokkaido University alumni and CGO (Chief Growth Officer) of Dentsu Cross Brain Inc., which specializes in marketing strategy development and data analysis.

Date: Wednesday, 2nd August 2023 (16:40-19:30)

Venue: Room S5 (1F), Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, S-Building

Language: English

Nitobe College welcomes the participation of prospective students and anyone interested without any reservations.