Take Your First Step Towards Enrolling at Nitobe College!
Develop essential collaboration, leadership, and project management skills with Pre-program courses offered by Nitobe College.
What are Pre-program Courses offered by Nitobe College?
Who Can Apply?
- 北海道大学に在籍している修士または専門職学位プログラムの学生 / Master’s or professional degree program students enrolled at Hokkaido University.
- 火曜日または木曜日の午後4時30分から午後7時45分までの授業に出席できること / Must be able to attend classes on either Tuesdays or Thursdays, 4:30 pm – 7:45 pm.
- チームワーク、リーダーシップ、問題解決スキルを向上させることに興味があること / Interested in developing teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills.
How to Get Started
Step 1:
Complete the following online application form by April 9 (Wednesday) at 9 am:
Step 2:
Check your email on April 10 (Thursday) for details about the first classes and information on how to access the Nitobe Portfolio (NPF) system.
Step 3:
Attend the first classes on April 15 (Tuesday) and April 17 (Thursday) from 4:30 pm to 7:45 pm.
Want to Know More?
プレプログラム科目ガイダンス / Pre-program Guidance Sessions
We invite students interested in taking the Pre-program courses to attend one of our guidance sessions on either of the below dates.
日本語 Japanese
April 4 (Friday) 5 pm – 6 pm
英語 English
April 7 (Monday) 5 pm – 6 pm
学生経験談 / Student Testimonials
お問い合わせ / Contact Us
メール / Email:
If you have any questions, or would like to book a consultation with one of our instructors, please do so by email.
SNS / Social Media:
If you interested in seeing what our classes look like, please check out our social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook.