
Enrollment Ceremony of Nitobe College Program for Graduate Students, Spring 2023

Post Date: May 16, 2023

Enrollment Ceremony of Nitobe College Program for Graduate Students was held at the Institution for the Advancement of Higher Education on Saturday, May 13.

54 students including 39 students of Foundation Program for Graduate Students and 15 students of Honors Program for Graduate Students have newly enrolled in Nitobe College.

The ceremony was attended by President HOUKIN Kiyohiro, Principal of Nitobe College, Deputy Principal YAMAGUCHI Junji, SUGIE Kazuo and YUHAZU Kazuyori of Vice-Principal, ODA Migaku of Assistant-Principal, TANI Hirofumi of Deputy Vice-Principal, Dean of Graduate Schools and Nitobe College instructors as well as Dr. HAGINO Izumi mentor.

At the ceremony, Principal Houkin gave an encouragement to the new students. After the introduction of related professors, Dr. HAGINO, a representative of mentor, gave a message and Ms. TAN Yumiko, a new student in the Foundation Program, expressed her expectations of studying in the program.

Finally, Ms. ZOU Zhiyun who recently completed the Foundation Program and go on to the Honors Program, gave a speech about her experiences and achievements in Foundation Program and her aspirations for the Honors Program.