Enrollment Ceremony of Nitobe College Program for Graduate Students, Fall 2023
Enrollment Ceremony of Nitobe College Program for Graduate Students was held at the Institution for the Advancement of Higher Education on Friday, November 3.
A total of 39 students, 25 in the Foundation Program and 14 in the Honors Program have newly enrolled in Nitobe College.
The ceremony was attended by Principal HOUKIN Kiyohiro Vice-President YAMAGUCHI Junji, Deputy Principal of Nitobe College, YUHAZU Kazuyori of Vice-Principal, ODA Migaku of Assistant-Principal, TANI Hirofumi of Deputy Vice-Principal and Nitobe College instructors as well as mentors.
At the ceremony, Principal Houkin gave an encouraging speech to the new students. After the introduction of related professors, mentor KURODA Taruho, a representative of the Nitobe College mentors, gave a message, and Ms. AKIYAMA Mika, a new student in the Foundation Program, expressed her expectations of studying in the program.
Finally, Ms. YANG Zitong, who has recently graduated from the Foundation Program and is moving on to the Honors Program, gave a speech about her experiences and achievements in the Foundation Program and her aspirations for the Honors Program.