Messages from Nitobe College Students, Alumni, Fellows, and Mentors.

Hokkaido University Makes You Ambitious, Nitobe College Empowers You to Achieve Them

Chukwu Ifeanyi
Post Date: Oct 21, 2019

Chukwu Ifeanyi

Graduate School of Fisheries Science, Master’s course
Nitobe College Honors Program 1st batch student

There are various reasons why Hokkaido University students may choose to join Nitobe College. These reasons may range from the craving of wanting to gain useful soft skills to wanting to have a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary experience. For me, I joined Nitobe College because I was convinced that it would be the coolest thing to do. The Nitobe program advertisement is just enticing, it makes it appear that the best thing that could happen to you is to join Nitobe College, and I will tell you, it is true.

At a point, it became clear to me that it was either I joined Nitobe College or nothing. However, I thought the Nitobe program was only for students on the Sapporo campus, whilst I was situated on the Hakodate campus. I thought this would be a huge disadvantage for me, but I was wrong. It’s even an advantage. I join my classes via the online video platform. By doing so, I am lavished with special attention from fellow students and staff. Not to mention the support I receive to travel to Sapporo campus and participate in some of the events the program offered.

The collection of students that participate in Nitobe college are the most courageous students in their fields of study; those who are not just willing to but are also attempting to acquire all the necessary skill sets needed to thrive as a leader in this complex society of ours. The importance of the 3+1 competencies, which is the bedrock Nitobe program is built, cannot be overemphasised.  The enablement to discover your abilities, organize these abilities by working and synergizing with other team members, then using this collection of “synergized abilities” to engage in solving societal challenges, is second to none. The professional ethics classes provide an understanding of the ethical expectations to future professionals. Only a few things out there can be second to these learning experiences. The creative and critical thinking classes of the foundation program gives you an awareness of yourself and your unlimited ability, problem-solving, and the project management classes take you even further to being more equipped for leadership roles.

My summary of Nitobe College at Hokkaido University in one sentence is this; while Hokkaido University makes you ambitious, Nitobe College empowers you to achieve them! I feel highly empowered.