Feb 2, 2023

Open class of Foundation II, “Promote Hokkaido to the world”

Post Date: Feb 02, 2023

Nitobe College Foundation Program for Graduate Students invites everyone in Hokudai to the student presentation, “Promote Hokkaido to the world”.

Date: February 2, 2023 (Thurs.) 18:00 – 19:40

Venue: S5 classroom at S-lecture building of Institute of the Advancement of

Higher Education

Language: English

Background of the presentation:

Nitobe College Students at Hokudai have learned Project Management (PM) in Foundation II (Inter-Graduate School Classes). With the use of PM as a tool, they have worked with classmates for the given topic “Promote Hokkaido to the world” and give a presentation of this project.

All in Hokudai are welcomed to join this presentation.

Registration (by email):

Deadline: January 31, 2023 (Tues.)