Dec 16, 2023

The 17th Nitobe College Mentor Forum 2023

Post Date: Dec 16, 2023

Nitobe College, Interdisciplinary Education Program of Hokkaido University, will hold the 17th Nitobe College Mentor Forum 2023, including mentor lectures and mentor meeting. Six mentors, who have global experience or a high level of professional expertise, will talk about their career path and career changes. The Mentor Lectures will be open to the public. You are most welcome to join.

The 17th Nitobe College Mentor Forum 2023

Date / Time: Saturday, December 16, 2023, 13:30-15:35

Place: S2-SBuilding, The Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education

Topic: “Career opportunities for degree holders in the public and private sectors”

See the list of mentors here.

Language: English